Job Details
Job Purpose:
The purpose of this post is to oversee the scoping, planning, delivery and monitoring of an ambitious programme of work to support Brent Council and CCG’s ambition to integrate health and care for the benefit of Brent residents.
Work stream objectives:
1. Improve support for people with challenging behaviours and dementia, reducing hospital admissions and delayed transfers of care into the community
2. Develop services in the community to support more proactive outreach for people at risk of hospital admission
3. Work towards a fully integrated care system, building on integrated commissioning, to take a whole system approach to incentives, investment and benefit realisation, enabling a greater focus on prevention and community services to keep people well and in their own homes
4. Ensuring health and care services respond to best practice and innovation to improve health and care and a more seemless integrated service for patients/residents
Principal Accountabilities and Responsibilities:
1. Lead the development of costed proposals for the development of services, support and bedded care for people with dementia and challenging behaviours, and to reduce the delays in discharging people from hospital, and to support and mange implementation of agreed proposals
2. Lead and manage the development of plans for an integrated model of proactive care for people in the community who are at risk of hospital admission, bringing together social prescribing, social isolation (SIBI) service and community co-ordinators
3. Work with leads from CCG and council to develop proposals to support further integration of CCG, council and providers, in line with the stated aims and vision of the Health and Care Transformation Board
4. Lead the development of of a shared understanding of system performance and finance information, identifying further opportunities to devliver improved care and sustainability, and developing programmes of work to progress these opportunities as advised by the Board
5. Work with the Director of Integration, other work stream leads, the Health and Care Transformation board, BCF Steering Group, Assistant Directors, Lead Commissioners, providers and service managers in both Brent Council and Brent NHS CCG to identify opportunities for further improvement
6. Manage project steering groups and networks of key stakeholders to provide oversight, governance and support to the areas of work
Umbrella hourly rate – £39.58