Job Details
● To deliver commissioning requirements which underpin the local and national homeless prevention and rough sleeping strategies, policies and good practice
● To lead and direct commissioning initiatives aligned to our commissioning intentions and manage a portfolio of commissioned services to maximise positive outcomes.
● You will be responsible for spearheading market development strategies with providers assisting people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness
● The effective management of commissioning, contracting, monitoring and redesign of services across Benefits and Housing Needs, ensuring value for money and improving outcomes for residents who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or rough sleeping with a focus on those with support needs
● To deliver an efficient, high quality and customer-focussed service for a diverse client group including high numbers of vulnerable and disadvantaged households
● To develop and maintain a culture of robust performance management, focussing the efforts of staff and providers on the achievement of specified outcomes, targets and objectives and making best use of available resources
● Responsible for strategic management and engagement of a range of partnership arrangements with public, private and voluntary sector/not for profit agencies and people who use services.
● Responsible for effective collaboration and engagement with seniors, managers across the housing, health, care and prevention systems, procurement specialists and staff from other parts of the council and partner agencies in your
commissioning activity.
● To have lead responsibility and accountability for the effective creation, management, performance monitoring and direction of a portfolio of strategic commissioning contracts and partnerships.
● To lead, develop and contribute to the strategic direction of services for those that are homeless, rough sleeping or at risk of homelessness by developing innovative, value for money solutions which identify and delivers strategic outcomes; to update
as necessary in the light of new requirements from national and local priorities.
● To plan and manage the consultation processes needed to ensure that strategies are effective, agreed and acceptable to service users, seniors, members and partners.
● To lead the development of commissioning and procurement plans for the portfolio of contracted services within the remit of the role, managing the commissioning cycle including needs analysis, review, specification, setting quality standards and
KPIs, and undertaking the procurement process in conjunction with procurement officers.
● To work closely with Procurement colleagues to ensure proper contracting arrangements are in place to enable the commissioning and decommissioning of services.
● To set challenging delivery and financial targets within the Corporate or Divisional Savings and Investment plans, and ensure they are met.
● To ensure monitoring, review and scrutiny of commissioned services provide value for money, adequately safeguard and deliver defined outcomes for local residents.
Umbrella Rate – £41.18