The 0-19 Business and Resource Manager is responsible for the effective operation of the administration, financial data, performance monitoring and governance infrastructure across Traded Services and Positive Activities including the Duke of Edinburgh and BACE programmes. Working closely with local authority staff and partners under the direction of the Service Manager. This role ensures that procedural framework and operational delivery meets sufficiency, access, quality and impact requirements and supports management and governance processes for service impact and evidence-based outcomes for children and their families
Key accountabilities/duties/responsibilities:
Ensure that the service areas administrative, staffing, financial, data, monitoring and governance infrastructure meets the requirements of Family Services delivery to address need and meet challenging performance targets and expectations, providing effective outcomes for local children and families, particularly those who are most disadvantaged.
Ensure that effective data collection and impact tracking underpins, measures and supports high quality targeted work with families with young children in the service, providing robust evidence to evaluate, review and plan multi-agency children’s services to meet identified needs, drive positive outcomes and prioritise targeted provision.
Plan and prepare agenda and papers for meetings and comprehensively minute and record all details on relevant systems.
Manage the business support officer providing the infrastructure for the operation of the Canada Villa and FYC buildings, ensuring the effective planning, resourcing and provision of services across delivery venues.
Manage the monitoring of compliance with legislative and safeguarding requirements, borough-wide policies and procedures across the service, ensuring the Service Manager is aware of any developing issues or concerns and to support the provision of high quality outcomes.
Work with partners to manage and monitor the Health and Safety of service buildings on a day-to-day basis. Ensure buildings in use are fully compliant, and report any concerns to the manager.
Lead the provision of practical support for the involvement of local families and service users in planning and delivering services, ensuring resources are available for engagement and consultation with families and planning effective evaluation of satisfaction, impact and service quality.
Support the Service Manager to monitor and plan the efficient use of financial and other resources across the service area, providing effective budget support, projections and resource allocations to operate complex budget arrangements including invoicing requirements for programmes and lettings.
Management of HR requirements for the service with recruitment, sessional staff pay claims and co-ordination staff scheduling/rota for delivery requirements.
Management of communications required for the service delivery for promotional requirements internally and externally through newsletters, email communications.
Management of lettings for FYC and CV buildings including queries, induction, contracts and invoicing for all hires.
Supporting programme and activities delivery where required at peak delivery points.