Data Analyst – AR

Job Details

• To harness the power of data, insights and intelligence-based decision making and collaborative working across Southwark Council through embedding a data-driven culture and using digital innovation and systematic approach to data capture to make a greater difference to decision-making.
• To lead development and reporting of a suite of intelligence and performance data with which to share insights, make informed decisions, track performance, and target resources and capacity; to create consistent oversight of corporate performance and impact towards council priorities.
• To manage the delivery of a first-class Business Intelligence and Performance function within the council, acting as a conveyor of communities of practice to enable more effective and efficient ways of working, mapping and aligning data systems, monitoring and continuous improvement of performance.

1. Working collaboratively to build consistent cross council intelligence and data within department and services, enabling the use of performance data to drive high quality insights of delivery, impact evaluation and decision-making by council services.

2. Work with colleagues to ensure that performance management frameworks as part of Southwark Futures programme are in place to drive improvement to the quality of performance data from relevant council services and the achievement of relevant council priority outcomes

3. Work closely with IT to develop a long term data system to deliver a simple, consistent council-wide approach to corporate performance and intelligence collection

4. Spearhead the curation of a community of practice within services and departments around innovative performance data capture, use, and evaluation; ensuring they are inspired to work collaboratively, transparently and share knowledge

5. Work in partnership toward clear, shared objectives to tackle complex problems

6. Monitor corporate performance through the organisational performance and council
delivery plan processes

7. Support key strategic projects, priorities and areas for service improvement to develop, embed, monitor and report on their performance at a service and a corporate level

8. Develop and lead a pipeline of performance cycle reports and dashboard to enhance transparency of information available to managers and decision-makers

9. Facilitate collection of council-wide evidence-base and performance data for strategy and policy development, including innovative design, implementation and adoption of modern analytics methods in the team and across the council in order to address current data and analytical needs.

10. Lead the design and implementation of processes and controls to drive improvement in the quality of data for analysis and reporting

11. Develop external relationships to ensure the function stays up to speed with latest thinking in data use

12. Ensure that data is handled according to the principles and requirements of the Data
Protection Act 2018

If you are interested in this role please do reach out to me via email or telephone!


☎️ 020 753 766 07