Family Support Worker – AR

Job Details

London Borough of Islington are looking for a family support worker to join their team. Their Vision is for children and young people to be safe, are able to overcome difficulties
and can form secure relationships through their childhood and into adulthood, Bright Start (from pregnancy to 5 years) and Early Help Family Support (over 5 years) Services offers help for families within three locality areas. Bright Start / Early Help Family Support Services is an integrated offer within the locality, to enable children and families to reach their potential and to support local communities in order to build resilience and improve long term outcomes for all families in Islington.


🍼Early Help Family Support is a universal offer of help, providing a rapid response to families and wrapping around universal services to manage emerging needs as early as possible, as well as offering case holding interventions which are flexible to support families with multiple complex needs.
🍼New River College comprises of three pupil referral units in Islington (primary, secondary and medical), for pupils with social, emotional and mental health challenges (SEMH). We teach children and young people aged five to sixteen years old who have been permanently excluded or participate in our preventative programmes to address their behaviour, and children and young people with complex SEMH or medical needs.
🍼The New River College Family Support Practitioner provides direct family support to families of children attending New River College (NRC) Pupil Referral Units and universal services, ensuring that an integrated approach and key multi-agency relationships are established to support transition of children to/from mainstream schools to NRC.
🍼Family Support Practitioners provide direct family support, holding responsibility for a caseload of families with a range of multiple and complex needs. Collaborating with families and partners to complete whole family early help assessments and plans that strengthen family resilience, reduce family stressors and improve family outcomes.

If you are interested in this position or know someone who would be, please reach out to me via email or telephone or apply straight through our website!

📞 020 753 766 07
