finance manager

Job Details

London borough of islington are looking for an finance manager to Draw on knowledge of council services and the related financial complexities, to ensure the provision of systems and procedures that enable effective budgetary control; ensure that variations and emerging financial pressures are drawn to the attention of budget managers, with options and plans for their resolution.

 Prepare and present complex and diverse informative, high-quality reports to members
and other senior stakeholders that inform service and corporate consequence action
decision making.
 Ensure statutory and other returns are submitted accurately and on a timely basis. Prior
to submission ensure senior management sign-off and produce an appropriate
supporting paper setting out the approach to development of the return.
 Monitor and control the monthly financial reporting process ensuring forecasts are
accurately included on the system or promptly escalating relevant issues backed up
with appropriate analysis.

Ensure that all activities within the service comply with the council’s constitution,
financial regulations, health and safety and safeguarding responsibilities and that
effective systems operate within the service to manage performance and risk.
 Interpret and implement legislative and regulatory requirements relating to the CIPFA
codes of practice, Treasury Guidance and relevant financial legislation.
 Support an effective system of financial controls across the organisation.

Full member of CCAB (preferably CIPFA), CIMA, CFA, or
ACT with significant post qualification experience

Strategic management experience

payrate: £600.00 umbrella a day