Head of Treasury

Job Details

London Borough of Haringey

  • As part of the Finance Leadership Team, to contribute to the overall leadership, direction and management of the Council’s finance service.
  • To be the lead officer for the preparation, maintenance and delivery of the Council’s Treasury strategy and policy.
  • To be the lead officer responsible for the preparation and maintenance of the Treasury Strategy and Policy
  • To continually reassess the Council’s treasury position in light of current developments both within the Council’s capital programme, and within financial markets generally in order for the Council to optimise its position in relation to long term financing options.
  • To manage the Council’s cash flows, short term investments, short term borrowing and long term borrowing, ensuring compliance with the Council’s approved Treasury Management Strategy Statement.
  • To assess financing opportunities for the Council, and to advise the Director of Finance around the most opportune duration and timing of long term borrowing, e.g. from PWLB sources.
  • To publish various treasury reports to inform members of treasury activity, and to lead on the creation of the annual Treasury Management Strategy Statement.
  • To oversee and provide leadership to the Council’s banking team and functions.
  • To actively support the S151 Officer with their constitutional responsibilities in relation to treasury management, statutory financial reporting
  • To monitor, liaise, review performance of service suppliers e.g. council’s banker, treasury management advisor and independent advisor and re-let in a timely manner.

Umbrella rate: £675.00 per day