Housing Officer (AR)

Job Details

Lead Professionals is one of the teams responsible for the provision of the statutory homeless service at London Borough Council Tower Hamlets. For the majority of homeless clients, it is the first point of contact for those approaching the Housing Options Service.
Role requirements: 

1.To conduct housing options interviews with customers focussing on assessing housing needs, preventing homelessness and giving good quality advice on the housing choices available so that customers can make informed decisions.

2.To negotiate and mediate with landlords, parents and other accommodation providers to prevent homelessness and provide practical assistance to help customers remain in their accommodation, including home visits.

3.To provide good quality advice, information and assistance through face-to-face interviews, home visits, co-location, by telephone and by correspondence within a customer care framework, ensuring all deadlines are met and that customers can make informed decisions about their housing

Umbrella Rate – £26.06