Land Charges Support Officer (AR)

Job Details

● The purpose of the Local Land Charges job is to maintain and manage the
Local Land Charges Register, which contains details of legal restrictions or
obligations that affect a property or land. These restrictions could include
planning permissions, tree preservation orders, conservation areas, or
listed building status, among others.
● The job involves carrying out searches on behalf of property buyers,
solicitors, and other interested parties to identify any charges or
restrictions that may affect the property or land and to ensure that relevant
parties are informed of any legal restrictions or obligations that may affect
a property or land, to protect the interests of buyers and owners, and to
support the effective management of land and property.
Managing Service Delivery:
● Day to day processing of searches within all parts of the register and
Form CON29 using the LLC computerised systems,
● Processing land charges searches within agreed timescales, including
vetting applications, fees and reports.
● Taking payments, checking and reconciling search fees submitted, and
balancing all income, ensuring appropriate invoices are raised.
● Update and maintain the register of LLC and associated Ordinance
Survey maps using computer systems, with charges and information
from other Council departments and central government bodies.
● Extract site information from the Planning, Building Control history
records and other relevant Environmental history records and
● Contributing to the introduction of new systems and procedures to
assist in providing an efficient, cost-effective and customer-oriented

Umbrella Rate – £23.57