Policy & Research Manager (AR)

Job Details

Job Purpose:
To provide senior level planning expertise to deliver the council’s planning functions in a customer focused and solutions led way creating the right conditions for accelerating high-quality development and supporting sustainable growth in Swindon. To manage, develop and deliver all aspects of statutory planning policy for Swindon Borough including planning for transformational strategic projects of a sub-regional scale, the Boroughwide Local Plan, Infrastructure delivery plans, Neighbourhood Plans, Statements of Community Involvement, Supplementary Planning Documents and a Local Development Scheme, and to lead other Corporate projects, including decision making that will impact on the built environment for decades to come. To provide justification and monitoring of Planning policy and guidance, including the management and control of all resources required to undertake the projects and to prepare and present appropriate recommendations to policy making bodies, examinations, appeals and tribunals. To engage in joint working looking towards longer term development of the Swindon area, including with Wiltshire Council, local communities and other statutory consultees. Support the Chief Planning Officer (and deputise when required) to unlock planning barriers to support key regeneration projects, transform the town centre and support the council’s emerging new ways of localities working.

Key Accountabilities:
• Through the completion of your day-to-day activities, you will strive to position planning services as the ‘growth engine’ to unlock activity that contributes to the local economy through the delivery of new housing and strategically important economic development initiatives, including liaison with external agencies.
• Coordinate and manage external consultants, partners and expert consultees who input into the service so that each organisation or group is able to do so in the most effective and cost efficient manner and understands their roles and responsibilities.
• Develop and build progressive relationships with strategic delivery partners and local industries to achieve strategic objectives relating to place-making, and delivery of customer-focused value for money service solutions for all aspects of the service.
• Lead on analysis in relation to sub regional and local infrastructure, housing and employment land supply and requirements
• To manage and co-ordinate the preparation, monitoring and review of the Development Plan, including the delivery of a Local Plan for Swindon Borough, infrastructure delivery plan Neighbourhood Development Plans, Minerals and Waste Plans, a Statement of Community Involvement and Supplementary Planning Guidance.
• Co-ordinate and deliver key projects required in the production of statutory planning documents for Swindon Borough and its neighbourhoods \ localities including the management of staff allocated to each project.
• Co-ordinate a policy input into strategic major planning applications as required and respond to Government consultations including draft planning legislation and guidance on behalf of the Local Authority.
• To ensure the co-ordinated long term delivery of strategic infrastructure including green infrastructure, built and natural environmental enhancement
The key accountabilities outlined above are intended as a general guide to the duties attached to the post and is not an inflexible specification. It may therefore be altered from time to time to reflect the changing needs of the Service Area, always in consultation with the post holder.

Day rate – £600