Repairs Officer

Job Details

North Northamptonshire Council 

1. Undertake surveys, prepare tender documentation ,specifications and technical information.
2. Prepare reports under the direction of the Team Leader.
3. Support the Team Leader in developing best value partnerships with contractors. Attending site meetings and liaising with Contractor management and supervisory staff.
4. To manage pre and post inspection and ensure appropriate records and audit trail are kept.
5. Provide technical support and supervision for NNC tradesmen and contractors.
6. Participate in the management responsibilities, including recruitment, performance appraisal, disciplinary procedures, and personal development.
7. Provide effective supervision of tradesmen to ensure impact on the service is minimised in terms of costs and time.
8. Cover the duties and responsibilities of the Team Leader in their absence.
9. Audit van impress stock at regular intervals and keep records.
10. Plan and monitor the performance of your area of responsibility, using agreed Performance Indicators to include all areas of works.
11. Ensure effective systems of communication are established and managed to promote a high level of Services and their benefits to customers.
12. To provide professional advice and recommendations to enable the council to maintain compliance with relevant health and safety, building and environmental legislation.
13. Ensure that your staff carries out their functions and account for time and materials in delivering an efficient and effective repairs service.
14. Assess and mitigate risk to the organisation and its resources, clients and staff.

Umbrella rate: £26.24 per hour