RQ1320741(SJ) – Youth Justice Officer

Job Details

Manage a case load of youth justice cases, working innovatively with young people from diverse backgrounds and engaging them; their families and other professionals to assess, develop and deliver interventions and activities that support their personal and social skills and participation in society. The role will be directly contributing to youth justice service outcomes by creatively engaging young people who are subject to youth justice orders and interventions. Best practice in equality, diversity and inclusion will feature throughout the work.

To undertake regular Court duty, providing advice and support to young people, their families and the judiciary.

Write reports to a high standard and within tight timeframes for Youth Magistrates and Crown Courts and to confidently present these reports to the Court in person as required.

Directly contribute to achieving positive youth justice service outcomes linked to KPI’s, including reducing reoffending, reducing FTE’s, reducing the use of custody and reducing the unnecessary criminalisation of CLA.

Umbrella hourly rate – £20.80