Job Details
Team leader position in the Housing Advisory Service. Initially this role will be to deal with overdue cases in relief duty / back log cases to make decisions on. The successful candidate will have experience in managing a team of homelessness officers, ability to make good quality decisions and manage a large caseload.
• Manage the day to day delivery of the Council’s statutory homelessness services, namely a team of Housing Coordinators within either the Resident Contact Team or Relief and Move-On Team .
• To be responsible for the provision of a quality service of information, advice and casework service to fulfil the authority’s statutory homelessness functions, including the prevention and relief duties and homelessness assessment duty
Ensure the robust assessment and management of homelessness applications in accordance with homelessness legislation, code of guidance, policies and procedures, ensuring effective work allocation and legal challenges to decisions are kept under review, by assessing performance, risk, cost and the need for operational policy changes
Ensure appropriate quality advice and assistance is provided everyone in housing needs
• Manage & develop the Council’s function to defend possession proceedings at court, in order to fulfil the council’s enforcement role in preventing illegal evictions, tenant harassment and ensuring that landlords follow the correct legal procedure to evict tenants.
• Actively support the development, management and delivery of new projects, service products and initiatives within Assessment Hub as they relate to the Housing Advisory Service and its services.
• Build, develop and maintain positive partnerships with other council groups, external agencies and organisations including joint assessment panels for preventing homelessness and delivering quality housing options and advice services,
• Actively contribute to the smooth running of the service, working collaboratively with a wide range of services, raising standards, working flexibly across teams, ensuring services are delivered in a consistent, standardised and efficient manner.
• Actively champion continuous improvement and the implementation of automation and efficient ways of working.
Umbrella hourly rate – £34.76