RQ1449529 – Children’s Team Manager (MASH Service)

Job Details

**Open to only qualified social workers**

We currently have a vacancy for a Team manager in our MASH Service. Lewisham MASH is our front door for Children Social Care and Target Early Help, the service includes our emergency Duty Team which provides out of hours social work services for adults and children. The service has a well-developed multi agency partnership, with key safeguarding partners co-located. At Lewisham MASH we have developed a strong performance culture, with a focus on quality child centred decision making. The JTAI in November 2022, commented positively on the quality of practice within the MASH service.

As a Team manager, you will manage and co-ordinate the work of the Emergency Duty Social Work Team in the provision of an out of hours social work service to all service users across the department, to include children, young people and their families/carers, vulnerable adults and those experiencing mental health difficulties including formal mental health assessments. To ensure the provision of a high quality, effective service. To monitor the performance of the team against set targets to ensure nationally set performance indicators are met. To participate in the rota providing a generic emergency duty social work service.

Whilst the service is primarily based in Laurence House, Catford SE6, we operate a hybrid approach whereby you may be required to work both in the office and from home as determined by service requirements.

Umbrella hourly rate – £44.50