Job Details
1. To deliver complex and specialised planning services including development management, the preparation of planning policy, and delivery of planning related projects in accordance with recognised performance standards and delivery plans.
2. To contribute to decisions and recommendations regarding development management, planning policy, planning services and planning projects and activities that will have lasting effects on the development of the borough and impacts on the local environment, economy and community. The post holder will carry out research, evaluation and work on cases and projects with the potential to impact on the development value of land in the borough, the amount of development that can take place, the delivery of council priorities such as affordable housing and have major environmental impacts.
3. To provide advice on the statutory planning process reaching high standards of clarity and accuracy and to ensure that the impacts of planning and transport policy and decisions are properly monitored and reported to demonstrate that they are effective in achieving the council’s aims. The post holder will provide advice with the potential to impact on the legal, reputational and financial risks faced by the council.
4. To support team working with other professional staff on transport planning decisions, planning and transport policy and projects demonstrating an understanding of project management fully cooperating with all relevant colleagues and partner organisations and in accordance with all relevant procedures.
5. To contribute to innovation and promotion of service excellence so that all aspects of the service are delivered in the most effective way.
6. To demonstrate political awareness in the provision of expert advice to the public and senior officers of the council on planning decisions, policy and projects that are the responsibility of the postholder.
7. To maintain the improvement in equal opportunities in employment, contribute to Southwark Stands Together, and service delivery.
8. To undertake other duties commensurate with the general level of responsibility of the post.
Umbrella Rate – £32.29