Senior Planning Officer (AR)

Job Details

Purpose of the Job:

● To be responsible for progressing a full range of Development Management matters within an area based team, including lead responsibility for the handling of pre-application advice, planning applications and appeals and taking a role in performance management, negotiations with developers and other interested parties, securing financial and other community benefits through legal agreements.

● To have specific responsibility for co-ordinating the Planning Appeal function for the Development Management Team, taking the lead role as necessary on planning appeals, particularly Public Inquiries.

Council Specific Accountabilities:

● To be responsible for the mentoring of more junior staff, and contribute towards staff training and development.

● To contribute to the efficient and effective performance management of the team, in developing, prioritising and reviewing its activities. Also establishing work programmes and targets, ensuring their achievement.

● To take responsibility for ensuring that advice given and recommendations made have full and proper regard for the Council’s planning policies, standards and relevant Government legislation and guidance.

● To contribute proactively towards the development of policies, programmes and systems to address the changing demand on the Service and in accordance with best practice.

● To ensure that duties are carried out in accordance with the Council’s policies and Code of Conduct, incorporating the principle of valuing diversity.

● To contribute significantly to the service delivered, developing and implementing customer-focused standards in a regulatory environment, meeting laid down performance indicators.

● To inform, advise and respond to residents and customers through representation at Committees and other public forums.

● To take a lead role where required in a range of Development Management case work, including pre-application advice, applications, correspondence and appeal work ensuring it is effectively and efficiently carried out.

● To liaise with other parties to ensure that appropriate information is available and taken into account in order to discharge duties effectively.

● To act as the Council’s senior expert spokesperson on issues related to Development Management, representing the team/division and ensuring that communications with colleagues, Council Members, the public and others are dealt with to an exceptional standard.

● To liaise with interested parties such as stakeholders, developers, in order to secure resolution of potential conflicts and high quality, innovative outcomes that reflect Service objectives.

● Take a proactive role in ensuring that links with the community and other service users are developed in a responsible and inclusive manner, ensuring particular attention to the needs of disadvantaged groups.

● To take the lead for specific Development Management projects including major applications and appeals, and be the senior member of an area based team working to agreed deadlines with identifiable outcomes.

● To contribute towards the identification of IT needs to ensure the service area maximises the use of available resources.

● To be responsible for ensuring that the work of the team is customer focused and achieves appropriate changes and improvements.

● To be responsible for the management of the full range of development management case work, applications, advice and appeals within an area based and/or specific responsibility for dealing with planning appeals and ensure effective negotiation to secure through S.106 legal agreements, financial and other community benefits in line with the Council’s policies and objectives.

Umbrella Rate – £33.38