Senior SEN Officer

Job Details

Camden council 

Under the leadership of the SEN Manager the post-holder will manage a small team of Assessment and Case Coordinators, ensuring that the local authority is able to meet its statutory responsibilities for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in accordance with the requirements of the Children and Families Act 2014. The post holder will also have additional responsibilities as agreed with the Head of Service. This is a generic job profile for the role of a Senior SEN Officer, it is important to note that each officer will over see either 0-14, or 14-25 and will need expertise in either or both of these areas.

  • Overseeing the timeliness of decisions re transport eligibility and providing evidence for any transport appeals
  • Effective collection of data and information to respond to complaints, enquiries, SENDT appeals within statutory or agreed timescales
  • Additional responsibility for agreed area for example Annual Review processes, Tribunals, case officers or other agreed defined area
  • To contribute to the ability of the local area to effectively identify and meet the needs of and improve outcomes for children and young people with SEND
  • To implement systems and processes that promote person centred planning keeping the views and wishes of the child and young person central, upholding the principles of the SEND Code of Practice 2015
  • To minimise anxiety for parents/carers of children and young people through excellent, timely and transparent clear communication about statutory processes
  • To lead the team in order to achieve deadlines reviewing roles and providing access to workforce development opportunities appropriately
  • To contribute to the local authority’s approach to equitable distribution of resources and funding for children with SEND within resources available
  • To use data to inform provision planning and joint commissioning of services
  • Involve parents, carers and young people in the development of systems and evaluation of services

Umbrella rate: £360 per day