Job Details
Stockton on Tees Borough Council
The Learning Disability team provide support to adults over the age of 18 where the predominate reason for support is due to a learning disability. We also support transitions for young people into Adult Social Care, working alongside Children’s services, the Special Educational Needs (SEN) team and the Integrated Health Care Board. The team works under the Care Act (2014), and undertake assessments, develop person-centred support plans and review packages of care involving the person, their family and wider network. We work under the Mental Capacity Act (2005) and principles, completing assessments of people’s capacity to support them to make their own decisions, as well as Court of Protection work. We are co-located and work closely with our health colleagues. The team support people who have been detained under the Mental Health Act (1983) and also identify where people may be eligible for Continuing Health Care (CHC) funding or they have long term health needs, completing Decision Support Tool meetings. We work under the principles of Safeguarding, to identify people who are at risk of abuse and neglect self-neglect or abuse. Key skills or experience: The team would like to welcome Social Workers with experience of working in a Learning disability social care team, experience of working under the Care Act (Assessment, support planning and reviews) and Mental Capacity Act (Section 21a’s and Community Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards), as well as good written and verbal skills.
Umbrella rate: £193.11 per day