Workforce Planning Advisor

Job Details

Your job

Develop, design, and implement workforce assessment and planning frameworks, initiatives, and programmes to ensure the Council has people with the right capabilities, skills, and attitudes in the right place at the right time.

In this job you will

1. Lead and manage workforce planning staff to undertake regular strategic workforce assessment across the organisation to inform future workforce planning.

2. Develop and manage a range of workforce planning solutions to address identified needs and gaps (i.e. an ageing workforce), including succession planning frameworks, a consistent talent management process, a leadership and management competency framework and standardised management role job descriptions.

3. Develop, implement and co-ordinate an integrated approach to the tracking and monitoring, evaluation and reporting of workforce planning solutions.

4. Develop and launch career pathways for all service areas across the Council, including the development of a cohesive approach to secondments.

5. Lead and manage career commencement initiatives across the Council, including work experience, t-level placements, and graduate management schemes. Work with colleagues in Adults, Health, and Integration to support the delivery of the Kickstart programme.

6. Monitor legislative changes and analyse national and regional changes and trends in the field of workforce assessment and planning to support the workforce to be resilient and innovative.

7. Design and deliver tailored and specific leadership and management development programmes and masterclasses, including an aspiring managers programme, so that employees are well led and managed to meet the business needs of the Council.

8. Promote the Council’s employee offer. Working with colleagues in the Policy, Benefits and Reward Team to support the recruitment and retention of staff through a strategic and consistent approach to attendance at careers events.

9. Work with the Workforce Development Advisor and Workforce Planning Advisor to deliver a programme of team building and away-day events across the Council.

10. Oversee delivery of the Council’s apprenticeship programme, promoting opportunities across the Council and to ASDVs and maintained schools to maximise apprenticeship levy spend.

11. Manage a highly effective reporting system for apprenticeships that tracks take-up, evaluation, and the completion of apprenticeships.

12. Work collaboratively with the wider HR service to share insight on key HR issues to ensure a joined-up approach and maximise service delivery to our customers.

Pay rate: £27.99 per hour umbrella

Three to six months contract with view to extend or make permanent