Job Details
Elmbridge Borough Council To assist in the compilation and maintenance of an annual Register of Electors making changes under the Individual Electoral Registration. To assist in the preparation and delivery of fair, open and transparent elections, by-elections and referenda in accordance with statutory requirements and timetables.
- To assist in the compilation and maintenance of an annual Register of Electors through processing individual voter registration forms during the annual canvass and monthly updates, to meet statutory requirements, including scanning, data input and system checks, and effectively dealing with enquiries.
- To assist in the registration of “special category” voters e.g. absent voters, overseas voters and foreign nationals
- To assist in the timely preparation and delivery of all types of elections, by-elections and referenda and undertake all election and count duties as required within the timetable, including the booking of polling place venues, recruiting polling station and counting staff, processing postal vote applications and producing polling station and count stationer
- To assist with applications received through the Electoral Registration Officers Portal.
- To communicate effectively with the public, Members of the Council and officers face to face, by telephone, or e-mail demonstrating strong customer service.
- To carry out such other duties that may reasonably be required by the Electoral Services Manager.
- To assist with Team administration work as required
- To effectively use the Council’s Electoral Registration and Elections Management software to maintain the Register of Electors and support work associated with the delivery of Elections.
- To effectively use IT packages such as Microsoft Word and Excel.
- To attend training courses as directed by the Electoral Services Manager.
- payrate: £20.08 Umbrella