Case Conference Coordinator

Job Details

To prepare for and represent the Police at Case Conferences in a Multi-Agency Forum, ensuring the welfare of children is paramount by influencing decisions made regarding children being made subject of a child protection plan, then completing all administration needs and database functions.

1 Undertake comprehensive checks on all Police databases to gather information or intelligence held relating to the family and relevant addresses to ensure that an informed decision can be made at Child Protection Case Conferences
2 Ensure accurate and up-to-date records are continually maintained to ensure that all relevant information is recorded and available regarding the safety of children
3 Liaise with relevant personnel and Officers involved with Case conference subjects
4 Co-ordinate all information and intelligence gathered in order to present to the Case conference to aid decisions made in the best interests of the child
5 Attend each case conference in a multi-agency forum as a Police representative and actively engage in the decision making process
6 Following a Child Protection Case Conference, update Police systems with outcomes and actions decided by the panel

Umbrella hourly rate – £18.71