Job Details
To support the Council to meet its statutory duties under part 3 of the Children & Families Act
2014 by facilitating person centred planning meetings; co-ordinating assessments and where
appropriate drafting and reviewing Education, Health and Care Plans.
• Act as the main point of contact for parents/carers and young people wishing to engage in the
Education Health Care (EHC) assessment process.
• Co-ordinate the EHC assessment process for children and young people (0-25).
• Ensure that the parents, children or young persons are included in the assessment process and
their views are accurately recorded.
• Work closely with families, schools and a range of service providers, including education, health,
social care and voluntary sectors.
• Ensure that the Council complies with the statutory timetable for the completion of statutory
• Prepare draft Education, Health and Care Plans.
• Facilitate meaningful reviews of existing Education, Health and Care Plans.
• Attend mediation sessions as and when required.
• Support managers to represent the Council before the Special Educational Needs and Disability
Tribunal (SENDIST).
• Model best practice in accordance with part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014 and the
supporting code of practice.
• Educated to degree standard
Knowledge & Skills:
• Detailed knowledge of part 3 Children & Families Act 2014, subordinate legislation and supporting code of practice;
• Detailed knowledge of the SENDIST Tribunal procedure;
• Understanding of SEN issues as they affect parents, children, young people and educational settings;
Umbrella hourly rate – £30.32