Head of services

Job Details

Job Purpose:
As a member of the Department Management Team in Adult Social Care, there are 4 key roles

1. Responsibility for ensuring the individual services you manage deliver a high quality and cost effective services underpinned by continuous improvement driven by qualitative and quantitative data. You will also be responsible for ensuring that those services meet regulatory standards and statutory duties where required, and are a model of best practice for the wider market.

2. Lead within your service and across the department to ensure the services you directly manage are working closely with the direct services and commissioning and change teams. In addition take on leadership roles which cross cut the whole department. These will include operational leadership roles (such as chairing Quality Assurance Meetings), project sponsor leadership roles (for time specific projects), policy or system lead roles (such as Continuing Health Care Lead or Health and Safety Lead).

3. Take the lead for Adult Social Care in corporate (Brent Council) projects, championing the department and its objectives, ensuring the department’s needs are recognised in corporate projects and that the department delivers on corporate objectives.

4. Take the lead for key partnership agendas, boards and projects working with all of the department’s and Council’s key partners including customer, carers, voluntary, community sector and statutory partners to build strong relationships which contribute to the delivery of the Council and departmental objectives, and ensuring ensure the reputation of the department and Council.

Pay – £56.19 umbrella