Job Details
West Northamptonshire Council are looking for an housing allocations officer To deliver an efficient and professional allocations service, ensuring the council’s Housing Register, allocation of accommodation within the council’s own stock and nominations to partner registered provider vacancies are administered in accordance with the Council’s Housing Allocation Scheme (policy), service procedures, national code of guidance and housing legislation (Part 6 of the Housing Act).
To process complex and detailed correspondence and telephone enquiries in relation to housing
allocations applications, including who can join the Council’s Housing Register, the banding scheme
and what priority a customer may be awarded under the scheme and the provision of realistic advice
on the availability of social housing and a customer’s housing options.
2. Comprehensively assess, investigate and determine housing applications to join the Council’s Housing
Register in terms of eligibility and qualification for social housing and level of priority awarded to those
applicants that can join the Council’s Housing register in accordance with the Council’s Housing
Allocations Scheme and all relevant codes of guidance and legislation.
3. Process applications where there is a medical need and assess the applicant’s basic medical
condition in relation to their housing circumstances. Make decisions on the level of priority that
should be awarded to the applicant and the type of property to best suit their needs. In particularly
complex situations, make an appropriate referral to the Council’s specialist medical advisor for
guidance and advice to inform decision-making.
4. Ensure that investigations are robust and verification of all housing register applicants’
circumstances are completed in accordance with the agreed policy and procedures. This will require
interviewing applicants both in their home and within locality hubs, such as council offices.
5. Receive information about available properties from the Council’s ALMO and Registered Providers in
the area and create adverts for regular choice-based lettings advertisement cycles (to make
applicants on the Housing Register aware of the available properties that they can bid on).
6. Responsible for allocation of properties through each choice-based letting cycle. Ensure that the
shortlisting and nomination of applicants against properties is undertaken in an appropriate and
timely way in accordance with the Council’s Housing Allocations Scheme and in relation to
prescribed nomination agreements. Ensure that any risks are properly assessed and escalated, as
appropriate, in accordance with MAPPA, MARAC and any relevant safeguarding and/or health and
safety procedures.
7. Ensure all administrative records are updated promptly in accordance with the approved policy and
procedures including annual reviews of housing applications and changes of circumstances of
8. Work with other Council departments and external voluntary and statutory bodies to identify housing
need and ensure that the Council’s Housing Allocations Policy is applied correctly to meet need. Key
stakeholders include Children’s Trust, Adult Social Care, Probation and Police.
9. To maximise personal productivity, minimise duplication and errors; and manage our information
efficiently and securely to reduce risk, though effective use of Office 365 and our internal IT
systems and applications.
10. Actively challenge and seek to eliminate any directly or indirectly discriminatory practice or behaviours.
11. Demonstrate awareness and understanding of other people’s behavioural, physical, social and welfare
needs and ensure that reasonable care is taken at all times for the health, safety and welfare of
yourself and other persons
Payrate: £25.00 umbrella