Housing Solutions Officer

Job Details

To interview all applicants that approach the Council for housing assistance, to determine what actions can be taken to resolve their housing need.


To manage caseloads, carry out necessary investigation work, issue duty letters, Personal Housing Plans and formal decisions letters in compliance with current homelessness legislation.


Understand complex or multiple needs as well as strengths of applicants and build a culture of trust and motivation to help clients progress through their Personal Housing Plans.


To organise and manage a caseload identifying priorities and deadlines ensuring that systematic progress is made on each case in line with performance targets.



To work creatively and use knowledge, skills and information to help prevent homelessness through negotiation, advice or assistance, either preventing the loss of accommodation or securing alternative accommodation suited to the needs of the applicant.


To conduct home visits in and out of the borough if required.


Maintain detailed working knowledge of homeless legislation, other relevant areas of law, Government guidance and keeping abreast of relevant case law.


Maintain up to date knowledge of housing options available to applicants.


Have a good understating of issues affecting affordability of housing including knowledge of welfare benefits.


To conduct outreach work to promote the work carried out by the Single Homelessness Team as required.


Liaise with colleagues, both internally and externally, and create, maintain and improve key partnership working in line with duties to prevent and relieve homelessness.


To deal effectively with correspondence from customers and their advocates, MP’s, housing providers, statutory and voluntary agencies etc. This may involve preparing information to support court cases or panel hearings.


Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and all emloyees are required to act in such a way that at all times safeguards the health and well-being of children and vulnerable adults.


Carry out duties with due regard to the Council’s Customer Care, Equal Opportunities, Information Governance, Data Protection, Health and Safety and Emergency Planning & Awareness (including to provide assistance where available) policies and procedures.


Employees should embed environmental sustainability into their work, actively contributing to Brent becoming a carbon-neutral borough in 2030.


Undertake any other duties commensurate with the general level of responsibility of this post.

The pay per hour is £29.21.