Job Details
To undertake timely and robust recovery action to prevent arrears and maximise income; and to work collaboratively with colleagues in the team ensuring prompt escalation, legal or other recovery action is identified and actioned as necessary, regardless of tenure.
To understand the rules for welfare benefit and the principles of income maximisation and to support tenants to improve their financial and digital capabilities, promoting and assisting them with the take-up and use of these services irrespective of tenure. Make referrals for tenants to internal services and external agencies to secure the best financial outcomes for them and HfH and provide excellent customer service in response to queries and whilst monitoring and managing accounts.
1. To take prompt recovery action from the onset of the tenancy and as
part of early preventative action to ensure a responsible payment culture is embedded in all areas of the income collection process so as to prevent the build-up of arrears.
2. To pro-actively monitor rent accounts and implement effective solutions to stop tenants getting into debt, making timely referrals where necessary for the commencement or escalation of legal action or to the support services to enable them to maximise their benefit income or to obtain assistance to improve their financial capabilities.
3. To show strong initiative in dealing with both current and Former Tenants’ arrears cases using best practice in the credit control and financial management sectors, maintaining regular, contact with tenants to ensure commitments / arrangements made are adhered to, escalating where necessary.
4. To be fully aware of the available financial / digital inclusion products or services and be able to offer good quality advice and assistance, promoting affordable credit solutions, offering basic bank accounts, credit union membership and other viable alternatives to support financial empowerment. Liaising, signposting and making referrals to specialist teams or services as appropriate
5. To be in frequent and regular contact with tenants where necessary to ensure they are fully aware of their obligations to pay their rent and other charges and of the consequences of non-payment, through interviews, home visits, telephone contact and taking enforcement action if required.
6. Carry out a full assessment of a tenant’s circumstances, income and expenditure to ensure their arrears are cleared, payment agreements adhered to and appropriate referrals made.
7. To respond to correspondence/ complaints/enquiries from a wide range of audience categories.
Umbrella hourly rate – £24.83