Job Details
About the service
The Quality Assurance and Review Service is responsible for delivering the independent safeguarding
functions within Achieving for Children, including the child protection conference service, the
independent reviewing officer service, the local authority designated officer service, education
safeguarding advisor, practice learning and principal social worker. This combined job description
supports team members’ professional development through having the flexibility to move between these
roles when capacity allows. Team members are expected to fulfil and focus on one role at a time.
We want our services to continue to achieve and we need outstanding Conference Chairs, Independent
Reviewing Officers and Local Authority Designated Officers to do this. We are looking for someone who is
enthusiastic, passionate and who has the drive to make a positive difference to children’s lives.
About the role
The core activities of the Conference Chair, Independent Reviewing Officer or Local Authority Designated
Officer will be to either:
● Chair complex multi-agency and multi-disciplinary child protection conferences, making
decisions about the likelihood of significant harm and ensuring the conference formulates a safe
and suitable plan
● Chair review meetings for looked after children, ensuring there is an effective care plan which
fully reflects the child’s needs with actions that are consistent with the local authorities legal
responsibilities toward the child.
● Offer professional consultation and advice, chair and coordinate complex meetings, and manage
allegations against people who work with children in paid employment or in voluntary work.
About you: Our role specification
● Educated to a degree level with a relevant professional qualification in social work.
● Active Social Work England registration and proven evidence of continuing professional
Skills and experience
● Experience of management within children’s social care.
● Experience of chairing complex multi agency and multi-professional meetings.
● Experience of building strong partnerships, maintaining relationships and co-producing solutions
to challenges across a diverse set of stakeholders, including children, young people and their
families. Advocating the voices of those we are working with.
● Experience of constructively challenging casework and resolving issues using effective dispute
resolution processes.
● Proven ability to effectively use data, intelligence and evidence to create meaningful insight and
to inform own decision making.
● Experience of using quality assurance frameworks and systems to monitor and review the
effectiveness of services.
● Experience of keeping and maintaining records (in accordance with local policy) and producing
accurate reports, presentations, written updates to a range of stakeholders (which may include
families, children or young people).
● Knowledge of relevant theory that informs practice delivery and statutory legislation (for example
Children’s Act) and national policy drivers that will affect children’s services.
● A proven track record as a successful strategic leader within the public sector.
Personal attributes
● A passion for Achieving for Children’s vision, mission and values to support children and young
people to live safe, happy, healthy and successful lives.
● Strong organisational abilities including: time management, creative-thinking, problem-solving
and multitasking.
● Able to work flexibly and independently with limited management oversight.
● Personal determination, drive, energy and ambition to overcome obstacles, achieve challenging
objectives, celebrate success and deliver excellent outcomes for children. Taking a strength based
approach to managing situations.
● Drive and ability to embrace technology and new ways of working.
● Commitment to resource-sharing and collaborative working within Achieving for Children and
across organisational boundaries in the best interests of children and families.
● Outstanding communication and interpersonal skills that are open, honest, persuasive and
pragmatic, including excellent negotiation and influencing skills.
Pay rate: £450 per day umbrella, £355.87 per hour paye
Three to six months contract with view to extend or make permanent