Job Details
Main Responsibilities :
To contribute to the Leaving Care Service in order to best meet the individual
and collective needs of young people using the service.
• To provide a personal advisor function, in line with the Children Leaving Act
and associated regulations and guidance, to young people who qualify for
such assistance
• To ensure that all eligible, relevant and formerly relevant children have
comprehensive pathway plans, and these are regularly reviewed.
• To ensure that care leavers are living in suitable accommodation, are
supported into education and employment and are actively encouraged to
stay in touch with the service.
• To participate in and promote service delivery which is responsive to the
needs of the young people.
• To provide an efficient and effective, best value service that is consistent with
the City Council/Portfolio’s policies, procedures, best practice and reflects
decisions in childcare and pathway plans.
• To work pro-actively with young people to equip them emotionally, socially
and with the practical skills required for more independent living.
Umbrella hourly rate – £18.40