Job Details
1. To provide for effective and efficient delivery of services in Development Management
with a specific focus on major and complex development proposals.
2. To provide a business like, commercially aware approach to dealing with developers
and investors.
3. To assist in providing guidance and, where required, general supervision of Planning
Officers and Graduates.
4. To assist with the continual improvement, change in working practices and income
generation so as to deliver lean and effective services to customers.
1. To act as lead officer for the council on major, complex and controversial development
proposals at all stages of the planning process (and related matters) in a timely
professional manner which meets the necessary statutory, departmental or other
timescale as may be agreed.
2. To write clear, professional reports on complex planning issues, either for presentation
to Committee, external groups, or for decisions by the relevant management team
within the Council.
3. Where required, to sign off applications, consultation responses and other related
decisions & reports for relevant committees under delegated powers within the bounds
of the relevant scheme of delegation, and if necessary, referring matters for approval
to the Team Manager as appropriate and agreed within the delegation scheme or any
other established protocols.
4. To advise and assist Elected Members and Customers (internal and external) with
timely and professional advice on planning related issues.
5. To provide advice and assist community groups and external partners on planning
related issues with timely and professional advice on planning related issues.
6. To make a significant contribution to the regeneration and growth of the Borough and
to contribute towards the priority of Economic Growth through the application of
Planning (and related) powers and through working in partnership with other
businesses within the Council and partner agencies outside of the Council
7. To prepare questionnaires, written statements, proofs of evidence and appear at public
inquiries, hearings and at court, to present the Council’s case and act as a professional
8. To support the Development Team Manager or Head of Planning in driving change,
continuous improvement, efficiency and effectiveness in all aspects of process, service
delivery and customer interface
9. To support the Development Manager and / or Head of Planning in implementing
business plans for the Development Management service to ensure that the Council
delivers an effective and efficient service, helps to reduce costs and maximises
opportunities to secure additional fee income each year.
10. To lead on individual change and improvement projects under the supervision of the
Development Manager and/or Head of Planning.
11. To negotiate S106 legal agreements in the development and major application
process and, where required, to assist with monitoring S106 legal agreements in
respect of major developments.
Pay rate: £34 per hour umbrella
Three to six months contract with view to extend or make permanent