Strategic Head of Service for Early Help

Job Details

London Borough of Havering are looking for head of service to ensure that early help services are responsive, dynamic and effective in delivering community based universal and targeted services based on evidence of identified need to meet the needs of Havering’s children and families.


  • To strategically lead, direct and oversee the day-to-day service delivery of the Children’s services integrated front door multi-agency safeguarding hub (MASH), early help preventative and support services, targeted youth support services, specialist safeguarding, youth justice service and Virtual School ensuring that all relevant agencies are working together effectively to identify and safeguard children at risk of harm.
  • Ensure children in need of help and protection are identified in a timely way and their needs responded to effectively and proportionately.
  • Ensure high standards of social work practice in line with the Children’s Services systemic model of practice so that all children and families both in universal and targeted and those in need of help and protection are in receipt of good quality, proportionate assessments.
  • Provide Leadership and oversight of the Early Help preventative services, including (but not limited to) the volunteering and advocacy service, children’s centre offer, family group conference service, parenting service, universal plus service as well as the early help assessment and team around the family (TAF) offer.
  • Provide strategic leadership for the statutory Havering Youth Justice Service (YJS), working towards best outcomes for the young people open to the service and to prevent reoffending


payrate: £550.00 umbrella a day